Environmental Management System
DATEL recognizes that Environmental Management is one of our highest corporate responsibilities and that we shall conduct all aspects of our Business as responsible stewards of the environment to meet that responsibility. DATEL shall incorporate the principles and practices of conserving our natural resources and reducing pollution as essential elements of its management, corporate culture and community relations through the use of a documented and maintained Environmental Management System.
Therefore we assume responsibility for protecting the environment, complying with relevant legal requirements, laws, internal and external regulations, international environmental regulations and commit ourselves to continual improvement in, but not limited to, the following:- Hazardous Material Reduction
- Resource Conservation and Recycling
- Energy Conservation
- Pollution Prevention
- Environmental Education
- Environmental Product Compliance and Safety
DATEL shall measure and evaluate its performance to establish Goals and Objectives through regular Management Review meetings. This policy shall be made public to all interested parties, internal and external to the company.
DATEL will comply with Customer, Local, State, Federal and International requirements for reducing hazardous, extremely hazardous, and listed chemical substances in the process or product and any other legislative requirements that we are required to comply with (customer or international requirements). The Environmental Compliance Officer will direct the efforts of an appointed Environmental Target Reduction Committee to ensure compliance with the new legislation and international requirements and will determine the amounts and quantity of any hazardous substances in DATEL. products or processes that must be removed and or replaced with non-hazardous substances