Custom Design & DMSMS Solutions

Customer Design & DMSMS SolutionsDatel products are engineered and manufactured in our MIL-PRF-38534, ISO 9001:2000 certified facility in Mansfield, MA. With decades of experience in high resolution data conversion, our staff of Design Engineers excel in developing application specific solutions, regardless of the volume or challenges presented.

Obsolescence is not in our vocabulary. If you are looking for a solution to Diminishing Manufacturing Sources and Material Shortages (DMSMS) components, DATEL specializes in replacing and enhancing obsolete microcircuits.

If your program is projected to have long length-of-life, be assured that we are committed to the continuous support of our products.

DATEL, Inc. is a leading supplier of High Precision Data Acquisition Components and DC to DC converters. Our leadership status in high-performance data acquisition components is unchallenged, driven in large part by our engineering expertise to develop solutions with outstanding electrical performance, small packaging, low power consumption and ease of use. These products employ five basic technologies: monolithic IC, thin-film hybrid, thick-film hybrid, SMT technologies and discrete component circuit. DATEL's DC DC converter product line includes non-isolated point-of-loads dc/dc, switching regulators as well as a complete line of industry standard brick packages (Sixteenth-Brick, Eighth-Brick, Quarter-Brick, Half-Brick and Full-Brick) and railway dc-dc converters.