Medical, Scientific, Recognition Imaging
There is an exciting array of imaging applications in the scientific and medical industries, and our design team thoroughly enjoys addressing the diversity of the challenges. From detecting living cells to gathering light from remote stars and galaxies, our high-resolution / low-noise electronic circuitry enhances spectroscopy to monitor chemical purity and medical imaging to capture sharp distortion-free images. Our standard product line of functionally complete image processors, stand-alone correlated double samplers or analog to digital converters provide the industry’s highest resolution, fully tested, complete package solutions.
Imaging Components - from our standard product line, or as a custom solution:
A/D with Correlated Double Sampler (ADCDS family) combines CDS and Analog to Digital Converter in a fully tested package
- Stand–alone Correlated-Double-Sampling (CDS family) amplifiers
- Stand-alone low-noise/low-distortion Sampling A/D’s (ADS-CCD family)
- Single, Dual, Quad versions
- Packages: Mini-SMT Quad-Pak, LCC, CLCC, DIP, DDIP, TDIP, QDIP, QFP