Quality Policy

For every product and service supplied, it is our policy and fundamental overall philosophy to meet the approved and accepted requirements of our customers, without exception. This policy includes compliance with all regulatory, State, or Federal standards as they apply to DATEL products.

We are committed to continuous improvement, achieved by setting and measuring our performance against specific objectives that are reviewed by management on an ongoing basis to completely assess the effectiveness of the quality system.

Conflict Minerals Policy

DATEL supports and shares the goals and objectives of the SEC final rule for Section 1502 and we recognize that our direct and indirect customers are mandated to undertake due diligence across their global supply chains. We are fully committed to not procure material from the DRC or adjoining countries that is not DRC Conflict Free. Read DATEL's Conflict Minerals Policy

DATEL, Inc. is a leading supplier of High Precision Data Acquisition Components and DC to DC converters. Our leadership status in high-performance data acquisition components is unchallenged, driven in large part by our engineering expertise to develop solutions with outstanding electrical performance, small packaging, low power consumption and ease of use. These products employ five basic technologies: monolithic IC, thin-film hybrid, thick-film hybrid, SMT technologies and discrete component circuit. DATEL's DC DC converter product line includes non-isolated point-of-loads dc/dc, switching regulators as well as a complete line of industry standard brick packages (Sixteenth-Brick, Eighth-Brick, Quarter-Brick, Half-Brick and Full-Brick) and railway dc-dc converters.